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Does sharee’ah state a particular wide range of times that a few must have sex?

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Does sharee’ah state a particular wide range of times that a few must have sex?

Night are a men and women allowed to have sex on their wedding. including sexual intercourse? If that’s the case, how many times would www.russianbrides.us/latin-brides/ be the husband permitted to have sex when an and so on week. Please be aware, i really could maybe maybe not make use of just about any wording for just what i will be asking.

Praise be to Allaah.

Yes, the few might have sex in the night that is first of wedding when they desire to. You’ll find nothing in sharee’ah to point the amount of times a few may or need to have sex, because this differs in accordance with circumstances and preferences that are personal. So long as individuals differ inside their abilities it’s not easy for sharee’ah to impose a particular quantity in such instances. But sexual intercourse may be the right of this spouse and it is a responsibility regarding the spouse. Ibn Qudaamah al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) stated: “Intercourse is just a responsibility in the man – i.e., the spouse needs to have sex together with his wife – as long as he’s got no reason. This will be additionally the viewpoint of Maalik.” (al-Mughni, 7/30)

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